Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wholewheat Apple Pie

(Picture from Google images.)
Chef Michael's apple pie crust is made from wholewheat flour. Wholewheat flour is not easily available in Malaysia. You may find them at health food shops or organic corners of the supermarket. In the West, where wheat is a staple diet, it is easily available. I remember baking wholewheat bread when I was in England but have never done so at home in Malaysia.

Making the Pie Crust and Apple Filling:

1 1/2 cups of wholewheat flour, instead of normal flour
1 cup oats
2 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil, instead of shortening

The above dough is mixed and lightly kneaded. You don't need to let it stand.Start with about a handful of dough and make it into a ball. You would need a bigger portion for the bottom crust.
The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin and placed inside a round baking tin.

Meanwhile, dice some golden delicious apples without peeling them.Toss 1 tablespoon wholewheat flour, 1 tsp cinnamon powder, a little honey and mix the filling. Be easy on the honey as it is sweeter than sugar.

Scoop the apple filling on top of the crust in the baking tin. Roll out a second dough ball to add as the top crust. Place the crust to cover the pie. Poke a few hole on the top crust to let steam out as the pie cooks.

Bake at 200 degrees C for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, as close to the bottom of the oven if you wish the bottom crust to be crispy too.

The apple pie is served as a dessert with yoghurt beaten with maple syrup and vanilla extract to replace cream.

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