Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some meals I cooked some time back

It has been some time since I last updated my blog. Many things have happened since November, 2009.
My eldest daughter, Nurul is still busy chasing  Aedes mosquitoes as the threat of Dengue fever is worse than H1N1.I have never seen someone so enthusiastic about her work. Keep it up, dear.

My second daughter, Zayye is back on her 'on-calls' after her wedding and honeymoon in Paris. She too  is very busy. When not attending to patients, she is attending courses or studying for her 'PACES' exams.

My son, Ikmal is now touring the UK and Dublin after visiting Paris. He is on a 3 week vacation after his third year final exams. 

My other son, Afif, I presume is busy studying for his second year exams after spending the weekend before Easter, also in Paris. When not studying, Afif travels around the UK attending get-togethers and games.

That leaves my daughter, Zaty who is jealous why her siblings love Paris so much. She has just returned after spending the weekend at Coffs Harbour, situated midway between Brisbane and Sydney in Australia. Though she has been gone for about 2 months, I feel that she has gone for much longer than that. Guess I am missing my brood.

The end of last year we were so busy preparing for Zayye's wedding and Zaty's departure for Australia after that.  Nowadays, things have rather settled down although we are attending wedding receptions nearly every week.

Below are some picture I snapped just to remind myself that I still cook. I was too busy to upload them earlier that I cannot recall when I cooked them. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

I will post more recipes later.


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