Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mistreating Babies

This Daily Mail news caught my attention:

Two mothers charged with neglect after their babies were left malnourished from feeds of left-over junk food

Two mothers in Cairns, Australia, were charged with neglecting their babies by feeding them pureed pureed pizza, potatoes, pork crackling and other non-nutritious foods leaving their babies weak and malnourished.

The court heard that a girl now aged two, and a boy, now 21 months, were fed using a milk bottle, diluted blended form of adult leftovers including pizza slices, calamari, prawns, pork crackling and other takeaway food.

It would not be surprising had this happened in a developing country where mothers are illiterate and uneducated.But for it to happen in Australia is a shame.

As I have commented before,having babies comes with responsibility.You cannot simply have them and neglect their needs with your couldn't care less attitude.Babies have rights too. Their never asked to be born anyway!

I was delighted to watch an episode in Army Wives on TV tonight.That was the first episode that I managed to catch.In that episode, a dad to be was trying to learn all the theories of baby care and even volunteered at a local hospital to get the hang of it.If only, all future Dads and Mums were like him.

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