Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Start to The New Year

Zaty and Afif are now back in their respective Colleges. That leaves only Zay, busy with her work at the hospital.

The house is silent again when everybody, except me, is away. I just turn on the television for company, not that I am watching it.

Today and yesterday, traffic jams occur at schools and kindergartens as parents wait for their children who are new to schooling life. School buses don't start their services till next week.

I spent half the day,today at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). My husband and I were accompanying his widowed cousin who has found a lump in her upper chest. (Zay referred to as brachial plexus)She has been x-rayed, CT Scanned and MRIed and on Thursday she will see the respiratory Physician. The final diagnosis has not been arrived at. They are not ruling out either cancer or TB. We are praying that if it is cancer it is in the early stage. The lump has not affected the nerves and bones but seems to be from the lungs. Her late husband died nearly five years ago of lung cancer. His symptoms presented in the late stage and it was too late for him to be saved.

More and more of my relatives seems to be inflicted by cancer these days. Some has passed on because of cancer. Many relatives of people I know have also died of cancer. I cannot imagine the trauma and depression they go through. I can only sympathise and pray hard for them. I also pray that we will be safe from it.

Well, this is certainly not a good start to the new year. But as long as there is life, there is hope.
We can only hope and do our best in the face of the current challenges.

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