Monday, October 12, 2009

Steaming Siakap- Malay style

(image from Google images)

On my recent trip to my hometown, I learn a new way to steam Siakap (Sea Perch). I have always followed the manner the Chinese steam the fish from my trips to most restaurants in Malaysia. But the way my aunt steamed the fish is simple and very traditional as she used sliced serai (lemon grass), halia (ginger) and turmeric leaves (daun kunyit) with a dash of salt and a squeeze of lime. Tastes great with fresh siakap or any fresh meaty fish.

It never crossed my mind to steam siakap in this way although I had steamed crabs before using the same ingredients.

Steaming is a better and healthier alternative to boiling or frying, anytime.

If you cannot find lemon grass and turmeric leaves, don't despair. You can aways change the recipe and use whatever local herbs are available. If I were in England, France or Italy, I would try using oregano, spring onions, chives or thyme. Then the fish would not be siakap and the dish is longer a Malay traditional steam fish!

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