Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pampering Yourself during Detox (1) Aromatherapy Continued

Some people believe that the aroma from essential oils can heal.
Please refer to 'Emotional Effects of Essential oils' at this link.

Pampering yourself during detox will relieve of stress that has built up and affected your physical and mental state. Stress causes toxins to build up too. Using aromatherapy can help you sleep better as it put you in a relaxed state of mind.

Essential oils used during detoxification can relieve stress and relax the mind.

Essential Oil and Its Use to Ease:
Bergamot: Reduces Aggression, disappointment, anxiety, stress, anger, depression
and fatigue
Cedarwood : Reduces fear, stress, helps calm the nerves
Chamomile : Calms the nerves, relieves tension, anger, anxiety, grief, hysteria and
Clary Sage : Relieves stress, tension and mild anxiety, fatigue, impatience, indecision
and panic
Eucalyptus : Relieves cold and flu and fatigue
Fennel : Good for digestion and relieves fear
Geranium : Calms the nerves, relieves anxiety, panic and tension
Grapefruit : Uplifts tired minds
Ginger : Warming and stimulating, relieves emotional fatigue
Juniper : Calming, relieves aggression and panic
Lavender : Relieves insomnia, tension and headaches
Lemon : Relieves cold symptoms
Lime : Refreshes
Mandarin Oranges: Diuretic with sedative properties
Myrrh : Anti-inflammatory properties
Orange : Relieves stress and tension, good for mental fatigue
Rose : Eases sadness, reduce disappointments and jealousy
Peppermint: Clears the mind, good for mental fatigue
Rosemary: Helps to focus, relieves mental fatigue
Sandalwood: Warming effect, stress relief
Tea Tree: Cleanses and refreshes
Ylang-ylang: Sedative, calm the nerves

In Malaysia, you may not find all the various types of essential oils.Some of the essential oils can be found at the Body Shop, Memory Lane, Lovely Lace, RM5 shops and certain kiosks outside hypermarket like Tesco.

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